एकाग्निकर्महवनं त्रेतायां यच्च हूयते । अन्तर्वेद्यां च यद्दानमिष्टं तदभिधीयते ॥
अग्निहोत्रं तपः सत्यं वेदानां चार्थपालनम् । आतिथ्यं वैश्यदेवञ्च इष्टमित्यभिधीयते ॥
वापि कूप तटाकादि देवता यतनानि च । अन्न प्रदानमारामः पूर्तमित्यभिधीयते ॥
About Us
NAMASKARAM | நமஸ்காரங்கள்
It would not be an exaggeration to say, the very fact that we have been born in this holy land of Bharat is on account of various good deeds we have done in our previous births. As per our elders, it is because of charities and other pious works done in this country, other countries are also living in peace and harmony. Like good fragrance is carried in all directions by the flowing breeze, the benefits of noble actions spread across the globe.
There are several temples in all four directions of this country spreading ‘Bhakti and Dharma’, but at present many of these temples, the tanks surrounding them and the rivers flowing by its side are not in good condition on account of wild growth of plants. They are in a very depleted state, all out efforts are required to restore them to their original magnificent form.
Chanting of vedas is the duty of ‘Vediyars’. As the saying goes “Vedokhila dharma Moolam”, every individual should chant vedas. Chanting of vedas is very essential and everyone should study, learn vedas and practice vedic dharma. Nowadays many people have left it. So our devotional path has itself turned into a big question mark. In view of the foregoing, it is our essential duty to render maximum help to the people who are practicing vedas.
It is a well known fact that the main cause for anyone’s worry is hunger and unless it is taken care of, the other deeds shall not flourish. So doing ‘Annadanam’ will help the coming 101 generations.
Contact Us
Our Address
15-1, Kanaka Bhavanam,
Sahoji Street Backside,
Anna Nagar, Kumbakonam – 612001