Ram Ram!!
It is well known that food is essential for human life. The Vedas proclaim: “क्षुत् खलु वै मनुष्यस्य भ्रातृव्यः” (Hunger is indeed man’s greatest enemy).
Our Ishta Poortha Kainkarya Charitable Trust devotedly adheres to such Vedic statements and desires to practice them too.
It is stated in our shastras that any act of charity performed on the auspicious day of Aadi Amavasya, earns one a great amount of punyam.
Especially, feeding the hungry by the act of Annadanam will grant one great merits.
With this in mind, we are pleased to announce that, on Saturday, August 4, 2024 (Aadi 19), which is the auspicious Aadi Amavasya, our trust will be conducting Annadanam for 500 people at 11 AM.
For more details, Please Contact: 8282825543
Ram Ram!!